
Katelyn pink

Hey there! My name is Katelyn and this *gestures to blog* is my blog.

I’m a high school senior living in the Phoenix, Arizona area. This blog is where I post projects, recipes, life hacks, thoughts, etc., but mostly the funny things that I do and that happen to me.

My blog is called “Earthly Angels” because I believe that life is full of miracles, and often they come from angels. Often these angels are unseen and literally heaven-sent, but sometimes they are close friends and family. As often as we are willing, we can be angels to others. I hope that whatever I post here can help you to be an angel or to recognize an angel in your life.

One thought on “About

  1. Cathy Wilhelmsen

    You are so amazingly awesome!! I love your blog! I’m probably your biggest fan. And your mom. 😉 But, I’d be a fan even if I wasn’t your mom. You’re that awesome!


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